

Customization, Marketing, & Advertising

Custom Graphic Pack

    What You Get
  • Custom Logo
  • Brand Color Selection
  • Font Package Selection
  • Social Media Headers
  • Business Cards
  • Website Image Pack
  • Newsletters Design
  • Added to Your Website
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Brand Booster

    What You Get
  • Daily Social Media Posts
  • AI Content & Images
  • Weekly Blog Posts
  • SEO Keywords
  • Weekly Newsletter
  • Delivered to Ypur Entire List
  • Blog & SM Post
  • Sent to Your Entire List
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SnapOn Ad Campaign

    What You Get
  • Setup & Managed for You
  • Ad Creative Creation
  • Ad Platform Setup
  • SnapOn Ad Funnel Setup
  • Meta and/ or Google Ads
  • Multiple Compaign Choices
  • Lead Scoring
  • No Minimum Budget
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Only Pay for What You Use

Phone, Text, Email, AI Usage

Pre-pay for the services you use. Purchase credits towards the use of your Phone, Text, Email and AI Usage.

Phone Usage

    Phone Numbers
    Cost per phone number owned

    Outbound Calls
    Cost per outbound call made

    Inbound Calls
    Cost per inbound call received

    Text Messages
    Cost per SMS message sent or received
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Email Usage

    Email Usage
    Cost per email sent

    Premium Triggers
    Cost per premium trigger or automation

    Email Verification
    Cost per email verification completed

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AI Usage

    Conversation AI
    Cost per AI chat message

    Content AI
    Cost for in platform AI content creation

    Image AI
    Cost for in platform AI image creation

    Workflow AI
    Cost per workflow generated with AI
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